In 2006 I posted the following on my blog: would anyone like to collaborate on an art project through the mail. Stanton was the first to respond and mailed me a package the next week. We have been mailing each other things ever since (books, artwork, stories, videos). We both love art and writing, and we both are huge nerds. Chris and I have never actually met in person.
Stanton studied dramatic writing at New York University, and received an MFA in screenwriting from the University of Southern California. As well as writing for Carrier Pigeon, Stanton is finishing up edits on his first Screenplay in Los Angeles. Stanton is also a contributing editor to Daily Du Jour.
About a year ago Chris mailed me what he called "Nick Pope" as asked if i would like to illustrate it. The story revolves around a high school student in 1987 who is basically an outcast struggling to find identity and belonging. The 140-page hand-written and illustrated diary is nearly ready to show it to publishers in New York.
This is all a testimony to what can evolve from a simple blog post and begs the question: Can a blog post actually change your life? Well, if a blog post cannot change you life, maybe the second issue of Carrier Pigeon can.